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hasa slightlyellipsoidalwithan equatorial diameter
of6,794kmand6,750kmpolar. Micro metric
measurementshave shownavery preciseflattening of0.01,threetimes thatof the earth.Because ofthisflattening, the axis ofrotationis affectedby a slowprecessiondue to the attractionof the sun ontheplanet's equatorialbulge.
which on Earth ismore
than twicesolar,has
no counterparton Mars.
Withthis diameter,a volume of15/100thelandmassandonly 11cents.Consequently,
the density is lower than that ofthe Earth:3.94inrelation to water.
A bodytransported to Marswould weigh1/3of its weighton Earth .
By : Andrea Chaparro Martin
Jupiterhas 63satellite Distance fromsun(AU) 5.2 Diameter (km)142 984 Mean Temperature (Degrees)-140 mass317.7 Rotation9.84 hours Translational11.86 years Hidroginoatmosphere, helium, methaneand ammonia By :Laura Pestaña
The earth is aprivilegedplanetwhereliving thingslive.Has aturnoverof23.93 hours.Has only onesatellite,Mass:1.Its translationis365.22 days.Its atmospherecontainscarbon dioxide, nitrogen, oxygenand water.FOMOagowasabout4.53 billionyears ago.Desis the third planetsolar system.Its shapeis spherical.It has12750kmin diameter and itsdistance from the Sunis 1AU.It has anaverage temperature of15 degrees.Water is presentin all its states(solid,liquid and gas).